At some point in your life you’re probably going to want to take a screenshot on your Mac. When it comes to this, you don’t always want people to see everything on your screen, you just want them to see a bit. Apple stepped up to the plate with this built-in screen capture tool.
With CMD+Shift+5 on a Mac you get a selection box so that you can choose a specific area on the screen and then capture it, also getting further options to record video or select a particular open window to capture in it’s entirety (tap Space to switch modes). There’s also an options panel so that you can select where the captures are saved.

This is such a useful tool, especially if you need to send quick captures to clients explaining how to do something.
Well done Apple, this is a very powerful tool that’s baked into the operating system so that I don’t have to go off looking for third party apps that offer limited features.